Thursday, 22 April 2010

The Pay Back For Choosing To Do Something For Ourselves 

I am pleasantly stunned by the immediate and great response to the article I posted yesterday on on the Marvels for Giclee Printing For Artists. Should this appeal to you to try to have something you have painted copied in this way, that would be a bonus for me.

But what I hope sincerely would be a bonus for you would be a realisation forming in you that you can make something like this an unqualified "Want To" for yourself.

Maybe you won't take me too literally. Perhaps you would like instead to write, to cook or dance - the choice of what we can do is endless. It matters not what you take up as an interest.What is key, is your "wanting to" do it, for your own satisfaction. It's solely for your pleasure and sense of achievement which is key. There need be no "Have to" about it, at all!

Life today for so many of us is a long succession of "Have To's" or at least "Ought To's". If that is not actually the reality of our lives, it can still be our perception and put us under more pressure.

Doing something that is our's; doing it at our own pace; doing it because we want to get better at it, these are not self-indulgent and selfish actions or motives.

Of course, it goes without saying that to take up something manically, with total and utter missionary zeal at the expense of other commitments would not be good idea. But finding the times in the week when one can learn new skills is a great way to relax and restore belief in ones creative powers.  That is a great feeling and provides an object lesson to those around us that having a more balanced lifestyle is important and achievable.

And there is one hidden secret lesson in all this. A tutorial in simplified psychology! Show yourself how easily and quickly you learn the tricks of the new activity of your choosing,  and it will show you how powerfully the mind can respond to your deep desire to do something.

That's all very different to learning a "Have To"!

With your new skill learned or well towards being acquired, then you will have the stark proof of the high worth of this recommendation:-

Faced with any new "Have To" or "Ought To", look for the value to you in it, look for the value to those you love and those you care about and respect. The more of that value you find and can cherish, the quicker you will achieve the goal and draw great satisfaction from it as a choice rather than a imposition.

Have some fun!

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